Friday, September 7, 2012

If you love me at all...

You guys. As I mentioned in my last post, I entered Mandi's epic room makeover contest over at Vintage Revivals. The first round of voting is open! This is how 4 of the top 10 will be selected. Unique IP addresses are allowed to vote once per day until Sept 14.

If you love me at all feel so inclined, please get your sweet tush over here and click for me! I'm entry #78, "We really did buy a project."



  1. Done, hun! And I will vote when I get home too. And everyday through the 14th. :-) And I'll send my sisters out. And I'll stop starting sentences with "And". :-)
    PS: This is when being on Facebook would really help. Would you mind if I pushed people there?
