Sunday, August 7, 2011

Brownie Mix FAIL

I love to cook, but if I try to make something that comes from a box, it is a sure-fire bet that I will junk it up. I will burn it. Or over-stir it. Or add the little packaged ingredients to the bowl in the wrong order.

Apparently we can extend this fail rule to anything labeled "easy tutorial" on the Internet.

This was a painful and expensive revelation involving curtains for the big room we lovingly refer to as "the ballroom." Now I need to go eat ice cream and let my heart heal as the windows sit naked, mocking me.


  1. Which came first - the brownies or the curtains?

  2. Details! We want details.

  3. At least the PVC curtain rod is up!

  4. I need to know more and understand what was a fail and where it failed. Your plan was good. What went wrong?
